About Us
The Danbury Mint is a world leader offering a variety of fine jewelry, coins and collectibles.
For over fifty years, we have been serving the needs of collectors to acquire keepsakes of lasting value. We take great pride and pleasure in our varied and ever-changing assortment of quality products. Examples include: exclusive figurines, commissioned from leading sculptors and hand painted to perfection…heirloom Christmas ornaments, produced to exacting standards of quality and workmanship…and magnificent jewelry whose glorious gems, brilliant metals and exquisite designs make them timeless treasures.
We are committed to providing our customers with the best products and we are equally dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. All of our products are backed by an unconditional 90 day return policy; you may opt for a replacement or a full refund. Our trained and skilled customer service staff is at your disposal.
Our sister companies include Willabee & Ward, Easton Press and PCS Stamps and Coins.
We thank you for visiting our website. Happy shopping!
Over half of our profits support mental health research
The Stanley Family Foundation is the majority shareholder of our company. This charitable organization funds research that would reduce the burden of serious mental illness. Top scientists in the field of genetics and neurobiology rely on the funding from The Stanley Family Foundation to finance their research. For further inquiry, contact us at SFF@mbi-inc.com.
The Danbury Mint Guarantee